Drive-Away Companies in Chicago
Here is a list of some of the drive-away companies that operate in the Chicago area. In the Chicago Yellow Pages, drive-away companies are listed under "automobile transporters" and "drive-away companies." It's best to begin making calls as early as possible before you plan to leave on your trip. All drive-away companies require a valid driver's license, and all of those listed here require the driver to be at least 21 years old. Keep in mind that this list is from 1994 and some of the information may be out of date. For more information, read See the Country by Car And Save in a Drive-Away.
A Anthony's Driveaway Truckaway Co. Inc.
(800) 348-8049
120 W. Van Buren St.
Chicago, Ill. 60607
$250 cash deposit.
$35 insurance fee.
No processing fee.
Auto Driveaway Co.
(312) 939-3600.
310 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Ill. 60604
$300 cash deposit.
1 verifiable reference at destination.
No Fee.
American National Transporters Inc.
(312) 489-3500
1940 W. Division
Chicago, Ill. 60622
$250 cash deposit.
3 checkable references.
No fee.
USAuto Movers Inc.
(708) 299-0272
694 Lee St. 
Des Plaines, Ill. 60016
$200 cash deposit.
Good driving record.
No fee.
A Across America Inc.
Auto Transport & Drive-away Co.
(800) 800-0809
No Chicago office -- does everything by fax.
$250 cash deposit.
No fee.