Advertising Mythologies: Examples and analysis of political propaganda in advertising.

Image over Substance: An example of postmodern politics in a society entrapped by television images.

Soundbite Format Fails
To Inform -- Or Amuse

Director Gus Van Sant's latest movie, To Die For, starring Nicole Kidman, uses the method of the soundbite to make a psuedo-documentary. The soundbite method proves to be inadequate both as an informational medium -- as we already know from the network news -- and as entertainment, a fact that To Die For hammers home. Another flop from Van Sant.

The self-consciousness of television -- of the Fox network no less: Fox and Scully of the X Files debating whether television causes violence as the show's theme evolves around the conspiratorial use of television to brainwash viewers into committing paranoia-inspired violent acts.

Big Banks Use Advertising to Bilk Consumers

Larger banks are generally letting small banks beat them on price, Mr. Gumbinger said. Instead, they are using their marketing muscle to gain customers, he said. -- From Home Equity News, a newsletter.

Who is the typical Internet user? Could it be the person who clicks on the Random Yahoo Link at the bottom of the net directory's site? Ah, yes: The search continues.

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This site is edited in New York City
by Steve Hoenisch.